Wednesday, January 31, 2007

"About Me"

Ok, my least favorite question, whether it be in an interview, on a blog page, or at my grandma's birthday party, is "Tell me about you." No, how awkward! It's not that I am overly humble... in fact, I love myself and everything about me... and it's not that I don't know what to say, I have plenty to say about my life, I could write a book with all of the goodies that I have been through in life. (Interesting idea... watch for it on the shelves folks... "Memoirs of a Laura" coming to a Barnes & Noble near you!) Well now that I have given B&N such great publicity (profits?) I will move on with my loathation (yep, I make up words too... it's fun, you should try it!) of the topic of explaining my life in a paragraph.

You know, whenever I look at this I think about what I would want to read about other people under their "about me"... my mind comes up blank. I don't care that you like puppies, long walks on the beach, and avocados... so does my grandma but that doesn't mean I'm going to like you nearly as much as I like her. I also don't care that you played basketball in the 3rd grade and decided to give it up to start a secret society involving underwear... uh your secret is out Victoria. Wow, I'm not really as cynical as I sound... I actually really like people and I'm kind of madly in love with life. Yeah, I guess that's somehting I would like to know about "you"... because if you don't like life you probably shouldn't be working for a company, writing a depressing blog, or ruining your grandma's 80th birthday.

Alright, I think I'm getting the hang of this... so here I go!! About me: I like life, cantaloupe, swinging, puzzels, snow, fishing, coloring books, the idea of world peace, fresh laundry, running, hot showers, blue staples, entertainment, everything green, charlotte's web, sports, exit signs, turkey sandwhiches, shoes, numbers, and my lack of an apendix.

Wow, I feel like we are best friends already. Want to play? (Ok now I just sound like a creepy pedophile...) So, anywho, my hope is that your day is going well and that you enjoy whatever it is that you read on this stellar/slightly empty site!

Love always, littlelu.

(and when I say love I mean "mildly in liking")

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just want to commet on this amazing blog. Laura, your personality definetly shines though in your writing. Keep up the good work, minnesota misses you.